Friday, September 26, 2008

Recipe Go Round - Now we're cookin'

I love to cook. So do my friends. I also happen to love blogs, and the Internets in general. There are tons of recipe/cooking-related websites out there, but they are all written, moderated, and commented upon by strangers. How do I know who to trust? If Luvs2cook69LOL tells me I should double the garlic in a chicken soup recipe, how do I know if that's a good idea?

I don't.

However, if Jessica or Drew or my dad tells me that, or another friend, or even a friend of a friend, chances are better.

So, here we go. Post your grandma's patented cobbler, a link to a great beef stroganoff recipe you found, a question about how to "fold eggs," a new and crazy idea about combining shrimp and chocolate sauce, or anything else. Add "labels" to the post so the blog can be easily searched.


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