Sunday, November 9, 2008


Here's a good pizza dough, brought to us courtesy of Leo Menashe, via some restaurant or other in the East Bay:

Pizza dough for 6 pizzas

2/3 c warm water
2/3 c flour
1 1/3 T dry yeast

disolve yeast a bit stir in and mix flour let sit 20 minutes
add water plus half of next flour (with the salt):

1 c warm water
1 lb 2.5 ounces flour
1/4 c rye flour
2.5 tsp sea salt

let sit 20 minutes
add the rest of flour/salt
mix a bit then add

1/4 c olive oil

knead well and let rise a bit (hour?), then push down, roll out into portions and rise each dough.


Bret said...

Here's hoping this will help us raise untold millions at the fundraiser!

Bret said...

This was delicious. This is key, for anyone (like me) not used to making pizzas: the stone has to be REALLY REALLY REALLY HOT. Like, the fires of hell kind of hot.